Here's a cool place I just learned about and added to my must-visit-someday list: The Women's Museum, located in Dallas, TX, the nation's only comprehensive women's history museum dedicated to exploring the contributions women have made throughout American history. Their mission is to "bring to life the voices, talents, achievements, aspirations and stories of the past, present and future." They've been open for nearly 10 years. What a great place to take your daughter, granddaughter, goddaughter or niece! If only Dallas were closer to my hometown Chicago!
The museum features both special exhibits, traveling exhibits and permanent exhibits with titles such as "Breaking Boundaries," an exhibit that "honors the women who would stop at nothing to accomplish their goals, and whose valiant efforts made possible the vast choices we now enjoy." Hurray for that! To learn more, visit their site or follow them on Twitter!
In learning about the museum in Dallas, I also learned that there's a movement to secure a permanent space in our nation's capital for another women's history museum. The National Women's History Museum is urging people to contact their representatives to encourage them to pass the National Women's History Museum Act, to give it a home next to the National Mall. They particularly need help from constituents living in California and Alaska. You can learn more about this here. Hopefully, someday there will be yet another place to take our daughters!
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